Our Services| How are we serving families?

Many people are surprised at all the things we provide families that face difficult pregnancy decisions. It is much more than the pregnancy test and ultrasound which are important parts of our no-cost medical services. When you give you are helping:

  • provide a voucher for that brave mom that confirms she is pregnant with her first month of prenatal vitamins at no cost and help start the process for insurance coverage with the help of our health department so she can get quick care for herself and her baby

  • provide ongoing educational opportunities for moms and dads on both healthy pregnancy and parenting through our STEP mentoring program

  • be that safe place for families that are working through a crisis

  • helping meet practical needs from housing, furniture, baby items, jobs, scholarships, transportation, and anything else that arises during their mentoring process

  • fatherhood support and mentorship to help him to be a thriving father for his family

  • providing community support (many families don’t have that and we stand in the gap for them)

  • working with other social service agencies so we can put our brave families on a successful path to be incredible thriving leaders in our community like we know they are

  • after abortion support through an 8-week bible study (we know that many didn’t realize we existed and made a decision they regret, so we provide support to walk them through healing and forgiveness)

  • spiritual support for those who desire through bible study, personal development, and leadership material

  • giving people the reason for the HOPE that is within us and that is Jesus

There is so much more, but all these things would not be possible without you! Many times when someone faces an unexpected pregnancy their foundation of life was crumbling through many of the life situations they are in. This is our opportunity to help build back a solid foundation and doing so helps them not fall into the many cycles that are overtaking our families in our communities. This looks different for each individual family, so we continue to provide that support as long as they want.

Thank you for serving families with us! We couldn't do all of this without you!

Did you know?


a growing problem

Did you know that it costs an average of $18 a week to diaper a baby? 1 in 3 moms in the US suffers from a diaper need. That is roughly $70 - $80 a month. Babies need 6 - 10 diapers a day.

Make a difference all year long! Join us to make a brave difference in the lives of others and subscribe monthly with the financial gift of your choice.


leave a positive impact

Diaper need is distressing to moms that don’t use cloth diapers. They make the brave decision for life but face a struggle to meet basic needs. You can help leave a positive impact on moms, dads, & children in our community.

Other ways you can help are listed below